HIGHLIGHTS:  An enormous, inflatable Santa mysteriously showed up in a vacant lot in a Texas neighborhood.  It’s been up for a week.  Neighbors don’t know where it came from, but they’re delighted, and their kids love it.

FULL STORY:  If you were walking through your neighborhood, and a HUGE inflatable Santa had mysteriously popped up in a vacant lot . . . and no one knew where it came from . . . would you be THRILLED and send your kids to see it, or would you think you’re in the opening sequence of a HORROR MOVIE?

An enormous, inflatable Santa Claus randomly showed up in a Texas neighborhood called Hollytree . . . about 100 miles east of Dallas.  The locals there have no idea who put it up, but it looks taller than a HOUSE.

It’s been up for about a week, and the neighbors are delighted, and are sending their kids to see it.  They say “it’s a fun thing to have in their community,” because it’s spreading Christmas cheer. 


(Here’s a local news report, where you can see this huge Santa.)

(I suppose that’s neat . . . but is anyone at all CONCERNED?  Maybe it’s a sad sign of the times, but if this was a scene in a holiday movie, I’d think it was fun.  If it was happening in my neighborhood, I’d be creeped out.)



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