HIGHLIGHTS:  A 36-year-old woman was in an accident, and filed a lawsuit for $825,000, claiming that she was left “disabled.”  But the judge threw it out when she was photographed in a Christmas tree-throwing competition.

FULL STORY:  If you deal with CHRONIC, DEBILITATING PAIN . . . there are some things you just can’t do . . . like THROW A CHRISTMAS TREE.

A 36-year-old woman in Ireland was in a car accident seven years ago.  Her vehicle was rear-ended, and she filed a personal injury lawsuit for $825,000 . . . claiming that she was left with a “disabling” condition.

She claimed she had constant back and neck pain that prevented her from working for more than five YEARS.  She also couldn’t play with her children, or carry out basic chores . . . she couldn’t even take out the trash.

The case has been tied up for a while, and recently, the court was shown a newspaper photo from 2018 . . . less than a year after the crash . . . showing the woman participating in a Christmas tree-throwing contest.  (???)  She’s actually HEAVING a large spruce tree in the photo.

The woman said that even though she may have looked happy, she was in excruciating pain at the time.  The judge didn’t buy it . . . and threw out her case. 



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