HIGHLIGHTS:  Do you work in an office chair?  A writer for Slate.com says you should try sitting on the FLOOR instead.  It makes you shift around more and that’s good, apparently.  She claims it’s done wonders for her body.

FULL STORY:  Where do you do most of your work?  An office chair?  Maybe your couch if you work from home?  Well, here’s another option . . .

A writer for Slate.com just did a big column on how we should all be sitting on the FLOOR instead.  (???)  She claims it’s done wonders for her body.

She’s not the first to suggest it.  She lifted it from a book called “Built to Move” that argues our bodies aren’t really meant to be sitting in chairs all day.  It’s okay sometimes, just not always.

Sitting on the floor isn’t as comfortable, but that’s the point.  It makes you shift positions a lot more, which can supposedly help your joints, lower inflammation, and even up your metabolism.

She says standing desks are good too, and floor-sitting is like the sequel to that advice.  Ten years ago, experts were saying, “Everyone needs a standing desk.”  Now it’s, “Everyone should work on the floor.” 




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