HIGHLIGHTS:  Chipotle released a napkin holder for car visors, so you can store all the napkins you STEAL from them and have easy access while driving.  Sadly, they immediately sold out over the weekend.  But you can get the same thing on Amazon for a third of the price.

FULL STORY:  Your glovebox is THE place for all those extra napkins you collect.  But the folks at Chipotle want to change that:  They just added some new merch to their website, including a NAPKIN HOLDER that attaches to your visor.

It’s called the Chipotle Car Napkin Holder.  It’s supposed to be a playful jab at all the people who take WAY too many napkins when they order food.  The idea is it declutters your glovebox and offers easy access when eating behind the wheel.

Each napkin holder costs $30.  But get ready to be disappointed:  They promptly SOLD OUT over the weekend. 

It’s not clear if they plan to stock more, but the good news is you don’t need to wait.  All they did was slap their logo on a TISSUE HOLDER for visors and call it a “napkin holder.”

Amazon’s got a ton of tissue holders that look just like it, and they’re a third the price.  So if you’re into the idea, just buy one for 10 bucks and load it up with napkins instead of tissues. 


(Here’s a photo of the Chipotle version.)



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