Today is Random Act of Kindness Day, so here are some easy things you can do to make someone’s day:  Leave a big tip for your restaurant server or delivery person . . . give a stranger a genuine compliment . . . and leave a positive review for a small business you frequent.

 Today is Random Act of Kindness Day, so here are five easy things you can do to make someone’s day. . .

1.  If you’re running to the grocery store, text a neighbor to ask if they need anything.

2.  Leave a big tip for your restaurant server or delivery person.  Even if it’s just a little bigger than usual, you’ll likely make their day.

3.  Buy a lotto ticket, and then just give it to a stranger.

4.  Smile and say hi to someone you pass by . . . or go a step further and give them a genuine compliment. 

5.  Write a positive review for a small business you go to often.


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