Here are some random facts for you:  There’s only been one seven-foot player in the NFL.  And Iceland has only been in two wars, and they’ve only had one casualty.

1.  The United Nations estimates that there were about 95,000 centenarians in the world in 1990, and more than 450,000 in 2015.  By 2100, there will be 25 million.  (That’s people who reach the age of 100 years old.)

2.  Dr. Pepper debuted in 1885 . . . one year before Coca-Cola.

3.  There’s only been one seven-foot player in the NFL.  Richard Sligh was exactly seven feet, and played defensive tackle for the Oakland Raiders for one season in 1967.

4.  The guy who invented the parachute died testing it.  His name was Franz Reichelt, and he was a tailor in France.  He invented the first parachute in 1912, used it to jump off the Eiffel Tower, and died when it didn’t quite work right.

5.  Iceland has only been in two wars:  The Age of the Sturlungs from 1220 to 1264, and the Cod Wars from 1958 to 1976.  And they’ve only had one casualty.



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