FULL STORY:  It’s been 23 years since “Shrek” hit theaters.  Yes, 23! 

It’s a great movie, obviously.  But there’s a really disturbing detail that casual fans may not have noticed.  YouTuber Ivan Mars, a.k.a. “the Movie Detective of the Internet”, made a video about it that’s gonna haunt your nightmares.

In the beginning of the movie, you see a bear family in cages after being captured by Lord Farquaad’s soldiers.  Then later you see Papa Bear and Baby Bear at Shrek’s swamp crying . . . WITHOUT Mama Bear.

And here comes the creepy part . . . there’s a scene in Lord Farquaad’s castle where you see a BEAR rug that looks exactly like Mama Bear, pink bow and all.

(You can watch Ivan’s video here.  I’m not sure I can recommend it though.  It may change everything you thought about life on Earth over the past 23 years.  Particularly the happy stuff.)

(NY Post)



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