HIGHLIGHTS:  A new survey asked Americans if they would prefer a job they love or a high-paying job . . . and 66%, or about two-in-three, say they’d rather  have a fun job.

FULL STORY:  Here’s a classic question for you:  Would you rather make PEANUTS to be a pizza taste-tester . . . or make $200,000 as a telemarketer.  Easy right?  The FUN job . . . TELEMARKETING!  (???)

There’s a new survey out that asked Americans if they would prefer a job they love or a high-paying job . . . and 66%, or about two-in-three, say they’d pass on the extra money to have a job they enjoyed.

Younger adults are more split.  52% of workers under 35 say they’d pick the job they love over one they hate with the higher salary.  (FYI:  They did use the word “hate” in the survey, but what about if it’s just a gig that you dislike?)

There’s a similar breakdown when it comes to work-life balance.  63% of Americans would choose a job that fit better in their life, over a job that paid more, that required more of their time, energy, and mental bandwidth on any given day.

And 72% of Americans say they define “success” based on happiness, contentment, and fulfillment OVER wealth, status, and achievement.

(The survey was done by KeyBank.  You can find more data, here.)



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