In addition to Groundhog Day, today is National Tater Tot Day and National Bubble Gum Day.

People are getting “Spotify tattoos,” which are scannable codes that link to a particular song on Spotify.  But there are some drawbacks, for one, the codes may not work after the ink and skin have aged . . . and there’s also the possibility that Spotify shifts away from supporting the codes at some point.  (Full Story)

A mom in Florida has been banned from dropping her kids off at a private Christian school . . . because she has a large ad for her OnlyFans on her vehicle.  She admits that it links to “explicit content.”  (Full Story)

A three-year-old boy in Australia somehow climbed INTO one of those claw machine games at a shopping center.  The boy’s father did NOT need to use the claw to get him out . . . the police came and carefully broke the glass and helped him out.  The boy was fine.  (Full Story)

Police in Canada are investigating the bizarre theft of a taxidermy polar bear . . . that weighs around 500 POUNDS.  Two taxidermy raccoons were stolen from the same property during a break-in last August.  Police don’t know if the two cases are linked.  (Although you’d THINK that they are, right?)  (Full Story)

A junior high principal in Japan was fired, after he admitted he’d been ordering regular-size coffees at 7-Eleven, but when he went to the machine he was filling LARGE ones.  (Full Story)

U.S. syphilis counts are at their highest since 1950.  And the states with the highest overall STD rates are:  Mississippi, Louisiana, and South Dakota.  (Full Story)


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