21% of people don’t know the first names of their current next-door neighbors.    (Full Story)  And 40% of people wouldn’t bother asking a next-door neighbor if they needed to borrow a tool, or needed an ingredient.  (Full Story)

A new “exercise pill” could potentially replace some . . . if not ALL . . . of the benefits of working out.  (Full Story)

If you’re looking for a new gig, Antarctica is hiring some PENGUIN COUNTERS.  The job would last five months . . . it doesn’t pay much . . . and there’s no running water, no showers, no flushing toilets, limited power, and absolutely no cell phone service.  (Full Story)

Things that are considered “normal” nowadays that older adults are “tired of seeing” includes:  Kids playing on loud tablets in public . . . poor spelling and grammar . . . and wearing pajamas in public.  (Full Story)

There’s a video online of a motorcyclist with a “WILL RUN” license plate . . . and a mullet . . . fleeing the cops in Florida.  (Full Story)

The EPA has finally banned the last form of asbestos used in the U.S.  This will eliminate “chrysotile asbestos,” which is often used in car parts like aftermarket automotive brakes.  It’s been banned in 50 other countries.  (Full Story)

A study out of Finland has found a connection between so-called “woke” beliefs and heightened instances of anxiety and depression.  (Full Story)



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