HIGHLIGHTS:  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is telling people NOT to put pretty rhinestones on their steering wheel, because they can become dislodged in a crash, and poke your eye out.

FULL STORY:  There was a time when all the COOL CARS had fuzzy dice hanging from the rearview mirror . . . and then the FUN POLICE banned them, just because they obstructed the driver’s view.

Now, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration wants drivers to stop putting RHINESTONES on their steering wheel.

There’s apparently a growing trend of people putting decorative emblem decals over the vehicle’s logo in the center of the steering wheel.

Officials say that kitschy bling like this might seem pretty and fun . . . but it’s dangerous and even DEADLY.  If the airbags deploy, those decorations could become shrapnel-like projectiles.

They say at least one driver lost an eye when an emblem with rhinestones got dislodged in a crash, and hit the driver in the face.  (But what about my fluffy, leopard-print steering wheel cover?)



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