HIGHLIGHTS:  What’s something we’ll be nostalgic about in 20 years?  The top answers in a new poll include TikTok songs, augmented reality apps, and SMARTPHONES are #1.

FULL STORY:  We’re nostalgic about all sorts of stuff, from movies and TV shows to how simple life was before the Internet.  But what’s something you think we’ll be nostalgic about 20 YEARS from now, in 2043?

Someone polled thousands of Americans, and the top answer was . . . SMARTPHONES.  (???)  So, will they just not exist in 20 years?

Here are the top things we think we’ll look back on and say, “Wow, remember THAT?”

1.  Smartphones.  52% think we’ll be nostalgic.  Like, “Remember when we all had iPhones?  It was before they were implanted directly into your HEAD.”

2.  Trending music on TikTok, 43%.  That includes songs that are used and re-used in videos, like the infamous “Oh No” song.

3.  Bootcut jeans and flares, 43%.  They’ve gone in and out of style since the ’70s.

4.  Working from home, 34%.  So we’ll all be back in the office by 2043?  (???)

5.  Crop tops, 22%.  Again, not new.  They were also popular in the ’60s, ’70s, ’80s, ’90s . . . pretty much always.

6.  Virtual reality and augmented reality apps like “Pokémon Go”, 15%.

Now, a few quick stats on what Americans are CURRENTLY nostalgic for . . .

1.  In general, we’re the most nostalgic about our teen and tween years.  Specifically, stuff we experienced between the ages of 11 and 20.

2.  No matter how old you are, the top three things we’re nostalgic for are fashion, slang, and famous actors from our heyday.

3.  By decade, the top shows we’re nostalgic about are:  1980s, “Cheers” . . . 1990s, “Baywatch”  (???) . . . and early 2000s, “Breaking Bad”.

4.  The top holiday movies that give us that nostalgic feeling are:  “Home Alone”“The Santa Clause”, and “A Miracle on 34th Street”




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